Sunday, March 31, 2013

It begins...

Ah Lord another blog ala Kim. I've had some blogs alright. So another blog? Well this one is for me. I've blogged before and had all sorts of reasons I did so, one was even a pretty popular blog with loads of traffic. Even now I know my husband and family want me to post on my other two blogs. But this is for me.  And it's about time.

The name of this blog? Let's be honest here... Blog names are hard to come by. I went through tons of names before finding a couple that were okay and were available. But the more I have though about the more I like it. I feel old and unhealthy. Somewhere in there is a healthy girl who wants to play and jump and eat well and feel young. I mean honestly here people I just turned 36. I truly believe at 36 you should still feel young. You should still be vibrant. And when you get to where you're overweight and eat poorly, young and vibrant is the farthest thing from what you feel.

So this is my journal of this thirty-six-year-old mom of SIX, yes six kids, who is Finding the Healthy Girl that she stuffed way down deep in there somewhere.